
Elementary School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented staff provides each student with a rigorous standards. The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child.

Alcott School Route 15/AM

Our Young Pre classroom is for ages his age group is working on developing their fine and gross motor skills. Our Young Pre classroom is for ages his age group is working on developing their fine and gross motor skills.

Time Location
13:30 ---- 07:40 Medrese
13:40 ---- 07:35 Stacioni hekurudhor
13:45 ---- 07:30 Çukarkë
13:50 ---- 07:25 Geraj
13:55 ---- 07:20 Leran
14:00 ---- 07:10 Bilaç
14:10 ---- 07:00 Samolicë
14:15 ---- 06:50 Raincë
14:30 ---- 06:40 Nasalcë
14:35 ---- 06:35 Osllar
14:40 ---- 06:30 Luqan
14:45 ---- 06:25 Turi
14:55 ---- 06:20 Tërrnoc
Time Location
12:10 Preshevë
12:20 Tasjan
12:25 Qukark
12:30 Geraj
12:35 Leran
12:40 Bilaç
12:45 Samolicë
12:50 Raincë
13:00 Nasalcë
13:10 Osllar
13:15 Luqan
13:20 Turi
13:25 Tërrnoc
13:35 Bujanoc
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